Home Rehabilitation and Accessibility
OHCD offers funding for the rehabilitation of owner-occupied and investor-owned residential properties in New Bedford. These programs provide funds to benefit low-moderate income individuals and families in New Bedford to improve their housing. The amount of money available depends on the program as well as the availability of funding (the City only receives a certain amount of federal funds for these programs per year).
Income guidelines apply and may be found in the brochure “Home Ownership & Rehabilitation Programs and Commercial Rehabilitation.” Programs include:
- Financial Assistance (FA). This program provides low-moderate income households with financial and technical assistance to comply with Minimum Housing Quality Standards and to perform repairs necessary to correct code violations. Financing includes a grant that is equal to 25% of the amount of assistance, up to a maximum of $2,500 per building. The remaining portion will be a loan at 0% deferred loan, secured by a recorded mortgage forgiven after 15 years. Financial Assistance Application.
- Rental Housing Rehabilitation Program. This HOME funded program will provide low interest loans to eligible applicants to rehabilitate rental properties occupied by low and moderate-income tenants within the city. Loans will bear a rate of interest of 0% (zero percent). Loan will be structured as a 0% deferred payment loan due upon sale, lease or transfer of the property. Loan may be amortized up to a 30-year term. Rental Rehab Application.
Accessibility and Emergency Repair
- Housing Accessibility Program. This program assists income eligible applicants with disabilities by providing financial and technical assistance to remove or alter architectural barriers and make the home handicap accessible. Funding for this program is a direct grant up to a maximum of $12,000. Housing Accessibility Program Application.
- Emergency Repair Program. The City of New Bedford’s CDBG Emergency Repair Program is designed to assist eligible low- and moderate-income households within the City of New Bedford to alleviate dangerous, hazardous, and/or unsanitary conditions creating an immediate danger to the individuals’ health or safety. This program is made possible by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. A grant of up to $12,000 is available per owner-occupied home to assist with specific home repairs or activities that eliminate conditions detrimental to the safety and health of the residents. Emergency Repair Program Application.
Need more information? See the Housing Program FAQ or call the Office of Housing and Community Development at 508-979-1500.