Together at the table (formerly No Place for Hate®)
No Place for Hate ® is an initiative sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), aimed at combating Anti-Semitism and bigotry. Since receiving certification as a No Place for Hate ® community in 2005, New Bedford has coordinated and conducted over two dozen diversity programs and events to promote multicultural understanding.
Although No Place for Hate ® was restructured by the ADL as a school-based initiative in 2014, the City of New Bedford continues its work in promoting peace through the newly renamed Together at the Table initiative. By creating a network of allies dedicated to sharing best practices and mutual support, Together at the Table aims to reduce bias and to increase appreciation for diversity and to build communities of respect.
Together at the Table explores topics relevant to current events in New Bedford, including interfaith peace initiatives, and efforts to reduce homophobia, racism, bullying, and anti-Semitism. With the Office of Human Services taking the lead, the City hosts or helps promote several workshops, activities, and events each year.
This year, Together at the Table is pleased to partner with the National Council of Jewish Women – New Bedford and the Council of Women’s Organizations to host a multicultural Rosh Chodesh that brings together – and honors – the diverse women in our community.
Visit Together at the Table on Facebook at to see a calendar of upcoming activities, diversity workshops, and other multicultural events in the City. To have your multicultural event listed on our page or more information on Together at the Table:
Contact: Mali Lim, NPFH/Together at the Table Coordinator
Phone: 508-961-3020