
New Bedford has experienced several major winter storms over the past several years – most notably the Blizzards in 2013, 2015 and recently the Blizzard in 2022. Remember that a winter storm can cause severe damage due to multiple threats that come along with a winter storms.  Preparing for cold weather conditions and responding to them effectively can reduce the dangers caused by these storms.

During winter storm season, pay attention to local weather forecasts. Check our weather links.

The City of New Bedford has prepared a Guide to Snow Storms that contains information on the city’s snow removal parking ban, availability of off-street parking and locations of sand barrels. You may contact New Bedford Emergency Management at 508-961-3060 for more information.  Also during a storm residents can report storm related issues directly to the Department of Public Infrastructure at 508-979-1550.

When the city is under a threat of a winter storm, parking ban and related information will be available on all the City of New Bedford social media accounts,  New Bedford Government Access Channel 18 and local media outlets as well.