Seasonal Safety Tips
- Bicycle and motor cycle riders should watch out for leftover sand on streets, loss of traction can lead to falls and serious injury Bicyclists should wear helmets, head injuries can cause permanent disability.
- Make sure ladders are secure when cleaning outside windows.
- Seniors and people with heart conditions should not engage in heavy spring cleaning.
- Hot, humid weather can cause heat exhaustion and heatstroke, limit the amount of time you spend in a hot, humid environment, drink plenty of fluids and do not overexert yourself.
- the elderly and the very young do not tolerate the heat well, they are more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
- Anyone who complains of muscle cramps, profuse sweating, nausea or lightheadedness may need emergency assistance, get them to a shaded area and call 911, some people develop hot, dry skin as a response to hot, humid conditions, get them into a shaded area and immediately call 911, fan them or cool their bodies down with water, this is a life threatening emergency, do not give any fluids to drink.
- Never swim alone always use the buddy system.
- Always wear a life jacket when boating.
- If you are severely allergic to bee stings ask your doctor about carrying a bee sting kit.
- Heavy use of alcohol in hot weather contributes to dehydration and heat related problems.
- Make sure ladders are secure when cleaning outside windows.
- Seniors and people with heart conditions should not engage in heavy fall cleaning.
- Falling leaves on wet roads cause slippery conditions.
- Do not shovel snow if you have a heart condition
- If you are elderly and develop any type of chest discomfort with or without sweating, nausea, or shortness of breath, while shoveling, cease this activity immediately and call 911.
- Senior citizens should be extremely careful while walking outdoors under snow or ice conditions, a simple fall may cause a fractured hip.
- Young children should not sled, ice skate, or engage in outside recreational activities without parental supervision.
- Plowed snow inhibits the vision of drivers, all pedestrians should be aware of this when crossing streets.