Downtown* Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Schedule
Capitol Waste Services collects single stream recycling, solid waste, and cardboard from downtown residents and businesses. To minimize the amount of discarded materials on the sidewalks during peak hours of operation, collection takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Please see the detailed schedules below.
*Downtown includes the area located between Middle and School Streets and between County Street and the east side of Route 18.
Schedule for Downtown BUSINESSES:
Solid Waste | Collected Monday through Friday | Must be set out by 8:00 am |
Recycling | Collected on Thursday | Must be set out by 8:00 am |
Business Cardboard | Collected on Monday | Must be set out by 8:00 am |
- Place solid waste in barrels not to exceed 45 gallons and 60 pounds (when full).
- Place recycling in a blue recycling bin or a wheeled cart, both issued by the Department of Facilities and Fleet Management. Recyclables include paper, cans, bottles, jugs, and jars. Please contact the New Bedford Recycling Office to request a blue bin.
- No solid waste, recycling or cardboard should be placed at the curb before 3:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Solid waste and recycling receptacles must be removed from downtown sidewalk areas by 11:00 a.m. on the day of collection.
- Please call (508) 979-1493 if your business generates cardboard and would like to be added to the Business Cardboard Collection.
Schedule for Downtown RESIDENTS:
Solid Waste | Collected on Thursday | Must be set out by 8:00 am |
Recycling | Collected on Thursday | Must be set out by 8:00 am |
- Place solid waste in barrels not to exceed 45 gallons and 60 pounds (when full).
- Place recycling in a blue recycling bin (issued by the Department of Facilities and Fleet Management). Recyclables include paper, cans, bottles, jugs, and jars. Please contact the New Bedford Recycling Office to request a blue bin.
- No solid waste or recycling should be placed at the curb before 3:00 a.m. on Thursdays.
- Solid waste and recycling receptacles must be removed from downtown sidewalk areas as soon as practicable, but no later than 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays.
Contact Information
Department of Facilities and Fleet Management (508) 979-1520 |
questions about curbside recycling, curbside solid waste, and drop-off recycling |
Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District (508) 979-1493 |
requests for blue bins, questions about curbside recycling, drop-off recycling, and recycling events |
Capitol Waste Services (617) 569-1718 |
questions about the curbside solid waste collection, curbside recycling, bulky waste appointments, brush appointments, yard waste pickup, and missed stops |