Curbside Yard Waste Collection
Grass, Leaves, and Small Twigs
Capitol Waste Services seasonally collects grass, leaves, and twigs on a weekly basis. In 2024, weekly curbside yard waste collection begins the week of April 1st and ends the of week December 9th. Set yard waste at the curb by 7:00 am on the weekday following regular trash and recycling collection. Capitol Waste picks up the yard waste; for missed pickups, please call (617) 569-1718.
This is the collection schedule:
Monday Solid Waste Collection → Tuesday Yard Waste Collection
Tuesday Solid Waste Collection → Wednesday Yard Waste Collection
Wednesday Solid Waste Collection → Thursday Yard Waste Collection
Thursday Solid Waste Collection → Friday Yard Waste Collection
Friday Solid Waste Collection → Monday Yard Waste Collection
The yard waste program includes grass, leaves, & small twigs (not to exceed 1/4 inch in diameter). No branches. Place yard waste either in biodegradable brown lawn and leaf bags or loose in a barrel.
Do not use cardboard boxes, plastic trash bags, or the City-issued trash and recycling carts.
Branches & Brush
Capitol Waste Services seasonally collects branches and brush on the last Wednesday of each month.
In 2024, collection for brush & branches begins Wednesday, April 24th and ends Wednesday, November 20th.
This collection is by appointment only. Please contact Capitol Waste Services at (866) 569-1718 to schedule an appointment.
Branches and brush need to be bundled and tied. Individual branches must not exceed four inches in diameter. Branches and brush must be securely tied in a bundle that does not exceed four feet in length and two feet in diameter.
Contact Information
Department of Facilities and Fleet Management (508) 979-1520 |
questions about curbside recycling, curbside solid waste and drop-off recycling, missing and damaged carts, ordering extra recycling carts |
Capitol Waste Services (617) 569-1718 |
questions about the curbside solid waste collection, curbside recycling, bulky waste appointments, brush appointments, yard waste pickup, and missed stops |