Mayor Mitchell and Board of Health update strong public health measures at senior living, long-term care facilities and nursing homes

New Bedford, Massachusetts– Mayor Jon Mitchell and the Board of Health have updated New Bedford’s strong public health measures to protect senior living facilities, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities.

Under an updated emergency order in effect August 24, visitation is allowed by appointment only and a daily log must be maintained at these facilities, with contact tracing steps included. All nursing home and long-term care facility visits must also comply with the state’s guidance.

The update also allows for several large housing units to be utilized for in-person voting for the upcoming election, as some are designated polling places in the city. Precautions including compliance with state mandates and city regulations around social distancing, the use of masks and/or face coverings, and strict hygiene and sanitation requirements, must remain in effect.

The strong public health measures first announced on April remain in place. Senior living facilities and nursing homes conduct regular wellness checks of all residents including phone calls or door checks, depending on the type of facility, and notification to the Health Department and resident’s emergency contact if there is an inability to confirm the resident’s wellness. Mandatory stringent hygiene and sanitation precautions remain in effect.