The New Bedford Health Department issues a variety of permits and licenses, as well as immunization, and marine lab testing services for residents and businesses.
Permit and license application(s) can be found online, via Open Gov online portal:
click here: Open Gov Portal
Click below for fees associated with services provided by the Health Department
Common Questions and Answers regarding the new OpenGov cloud-based program
Q: How do I get access to OpenGov?
A: You need to register for a new account, using your existing email address. You have the option to update your user profile once you have created a new account online.
Q: What if I already have an Open Gov account in another town?
A: If you already have an OpenGov account that you use in another town, you may use that account to access your City of New Bedford permits.
Q: How do I set up an account if I don’t have one?
A: Please click the following link to create your account:
Board of Health applications are available online to apply for only the following:
Body Art Establishment, Practitioner, Guest Artist & Apprentice Permits
Demolition (vector control) E-2 permit
Frozen Dessert License
Farmers Market Permits
Mobile Food Permits
Food Establishment Licenses
Garbage Hauler
Recreational Day Camps
Rooming House Licenses
Septage Haulers
Septic Disposal Installers
Swimming Pools/Special Purpose Pools
Tanning Facility
Temporary Food Establishment Permits
Tobacco Licenses
Trailer Coach Park/Camp License