Residents Invited to Public Open House
For Citywide Comprehensive Plan to be Held at Normandin Middle School on May 17th
New Bedford, MA — The City of New Bedford will host a Public Engagement Open House at Normandin Middle School (81 Felton Street, New Bedford, MA 02745) on Wednesday, May 17th from 6 PM to 8 PM. All community members are invited to learn about the Citywide Comprehensive Plan process and contribute by sharing their vision for the future of New Bedford.
The Comprehensive Plan is a long-term guidance document for policy and decision-making in a variety of areas including Land Use, Housing, Economic Development, Transportation & Mobility, Natural and Cultural Resources, Open Space & Recreation, Public Services & Facilities.
Community participation is an integral part of the Comprehensive Plan process and input from City residents will directly inform the goals and strategies that guide the next decade of New Bedford’s development.
Residents can stop into the open-house-style event any time from 6 PM to 8 PM to participate in Comprehensive Plan activities and speak with representatives from City departments. Raffles, family activities, food, and drinks will also be provided at no cost. Interpreter services will be available.
The May 17th event is part of a series of public workshops and listening sessions taking place throughout 2023. Each event will allow residents to voice their visions and ideas for the future of our city.
Visit to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan process, fill out a feedback form, sign up for updates, and see the event calendar.
Contact the Department of City Planning with any questions at (508) 979-1488 or