Local Effluent Limitations in MG/L
Arsenic | 1.4 |
Cadmium | 1.2 |
Chromium, Hexavalent | 4.8 |
Copper | 4.5 |
Cyanide | 1.9 |
Lead | 0.6 |
Mercury | 0.01 |
Nickel | 4.1 |
PCB’s | 0-005 |
Silver | 1.2 |
Zinc | 4.2 |
Oil & Grease | 100 |
pH | 5.5 – 9.5 S.U. |
BOD/TSS surcharge system | |
<50 lbs/day, no charge | |
51 – 150 lbs/day=$.05/lb | |
151 – 250 lbs/day=$.07/lb | |
>251 lbs/day=$.10/lb |
In accordance with Federal Regulation, the City must revise/review these aforementioned limitations at least once every five years.