Boards & Commission Members

Airport Commission

Section 3 – 1 of the City Code:Nine members shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council. At least two (2) of the nine (9) members shall have experience in aeronautics as defined in M.G.L. Chapter 90, Section 35, and members shall serve THREE YEAR TERMS and until successor has qualified.

Member Term Expires
Christina E. Cotsoridis December 2024 (resigned January 2025)
Matthew D. Provencher December 2025
Brad Markey December 2025
Ramon Silva December 2025
Gary A. Correia December 2026
Catherine Kramer December 2026
Edward C. Anthes-Washburn December 2027

Animal Inspector

Section 4 – 2 of the City Code; Chapter 129, Section 15 General Laws.Annually in March, the Mayor shall nominate one or more inspectors of animals and before April 1st shall send to the state director on animal health the name, address and occupation of each nominee. Such nominee shall not be appointed until approved by the Director * and at least one such inspector shall be a registered veterinarian.Department of Food and Agriculture

Division of Regulatory Services
Bureau of Animal Health and Dairying
100 Cambridge Street
Government Center
Boston, MA 02202

Appointments not subject to confirmation by City Council. Records are kept in Omnibus Book by City Clerk.

Member Term Expires
Emanuel Maciel April 30, 2025
Shelley Avila-Martins April 30, 2025
Brandon George April 30, 2025

Board of Assessors

City Code Section 10-80.
Judith Serdahl, Acting Administrative Assistant
(Position established by Home Rule Legislation – Chapter 5 of the Acts of 1990.)

Member Term Expires
Peter E. Berthiaume January 2026
Kimberly M. Saunders January 2028
Martin E. Treadup January 2030

Cemetery Board

Section 7 – 1 of the City Code and M.G.L. Chapter 114, Section 22.

Five members – THREE-YEAR TERMS; appointments to be made in April by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Steven Caton May 2025
Barbara McDonald May 2025
Sandra Quadros Bowles April 2027
Justin Ohlson April 2027
Reverend Michael S. Racine December 2027

Commission for Citizens with Disabilities

Established by ordinance of May 10, 1984 – City Code Section 2-180.AMENDED by ordinance of November 23, 1993 – by adding two more members for a TOTAL OF NINE MEMBERS.

Established under Chapter 75 of the Acts and Resolves of 1983.
Nine members – each of who shall reside in City. Five of the nine members shall be persons with a disability (see section 2-182 of city code) and represent as many cross-disabilities as possible; one shall be a member of the immediate family of a person with a disability; and one member shall be an elected or appointed municipal official. No compensation. Appointed by Mayor and confirmed by City Council. THREE-YEAR TERMS (initial appointments staggered – of the two positions added by 93 Ordinance – one shall expire in May of 95 and May of 96). Members of Commission to elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Subject to availability of funds, an Executive Director of the Commission shall be appointed annually on April 1st by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. Commission will be available to consult with Mayor regarding qualified candidates for this position. Executive Director to hold office for one year or until successor is appointed and qualified.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Cynthia Wallquist -Ex. Dir. April 2025
Esperanza Alejandro-Berube May 2025
Audra DePina May 2025
Kimberli Bettencourt May 2026
Marsha F. Fernandes May 2026
Heather Sylvia Chew May 2026
Martha Reed May 2026
Dennis DeMarinis, Jr. May 2027
Linda Haskins May 2027
John Lobo May 2027

Community Preservation Committee

City Code Section 2-241

Established by Ordinance of February 25, 2016. Consists of nine (9) voting members.

One member of the Planning Board (created by Section 81A of Chapter 41) as designated by the Board for a term of three years; one member of the Conservation Commission (created by Section 8C of Chapter 40) as designated by the Commission for a term of three years; one member of the New Bedford Historical Commission (created by Section 8D of Chapter 40) as designated by the Commission for a term of three years; one member of the Board of Park Commissioners (created by Section 2 of Chapter 45) as designated by the Board for a term of three years; one member of the New Bedford Housing Authority Board (created by Section 3 of Chapter 121B) as designated by its Board of Directors for a term of three years; four members of the general public for a term of three years, as appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council, no more than one member maybe appointed by the Mayor from each ward unless the provision is waived by the City Council to fill a vacancy on the Committee. Initial appointments of the New Bedford Housing Authority member, the Planning Board member, and one member of the general public appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation of the City Council, shall be for two years; and the initial appointments of the Board of Park Commissioners member and two members of the general public appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council, shall be for one year.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Ross Nunes April 2023
Leona Fisher (Housing Authority Rep.) April 2024
Arthur Glassman (Planning Board Rep.) April 2024
Jody Gonsalves Seivert April 2027
Peter Blanchard (Conservation Commission Rep.) April 2025
Janine DaSilva (Historical Commission Rep.) April 2025
Melissa Chester-Letendre April 2025
Christopher A. Amaral April 2026
Diane Berube April 2026

Condominium Review Board

City Code Section 13-5.

Established by Ordinance of January 14, 1988. Consists of five members, each of whom shall be residents of the City of New Bedford and serve without compensation. Shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, except that one member shall be a member of the City Council appointed annually in January by the President of the City Council, and one member shall be familiar with the housing needs and issues of the City of New Bedford. THREE-YEAR TERMS. In the event of a vacancy, a successor may be appointed to serve the unexpired term of the member.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Councillor Ryan J. Pereira December 2024

Conservation Commission

Chapter 40, Section 8C, M.G.L.

The Commission shall consist of not less than three members nor more than seven members. In cities the members shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the provision of the city charter. When a commission is first established, the terms of members shall be one, two or three years, and so arranged that the terms of approximately one third of the members will expire each year, and their successors shall be appointed for TERMS OF THREE YEARS each. Any member of a commission so appointed may after a public hearing, if requested, be removed for cause by the appointing authority. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall in a city be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
John P. Gurney June 2013 (resigned 06/30/12)
Dennis Audette June 2024 (resigned 04/04/23)
Sean M. Carney June 2025
Scott D. Grant Jr. June 2026
Rebecca Linhart June 2026
Kimberly Rioux June 2026
Peter Blanchard April 2027

Council On Aging

Section 2 -140 of the City Code.

Consists of Eleven (11) members, a majority of whom shall be at least sixty years of age, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. As the term of each member expires, a successor shall be appointed in same manner for a THREE-YEAR TERM. The Chairperson, Vice-chairperson and any other officers shall be elected by a vote of the members of the Council to take place annually at the first meeting in June. Every member shall serve until a successor is qualified.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Esperanza Alejandro-Berube December 2019
George N. Smith November 2024 (resigned 11/14/2022)
Patricia Langis November 2025
Joan Swain December 2025
Rev. Dr. Sandra Gatlin Whitley December 2025
Celeine M. Saraiva June 2027
Patricia A. Costa November 2027
Bruce Duarte November 2027
Nancy Feeney November 2027
Deborah Mimoso November 2027
Jane A. Stott November 2027

Election Commission

M.G.L. Chapter 51, Section 16A – accepted 5/12/60.

Four members – FOUR-YEAR TERMS. Must equally represent the two leading political parties; terms commence April 1st.

Member Term Expires
Henry G. Bousquet April 2021
Manuel DeBrito, Chairman April 2022
Donald R. Gaudette Jr. April 2023
Lisa dunaway April 2025

Energy Resource Commission

Section 2-200 of the City Code:

Five members, to serve without pay, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Of the five members, one shall be the City Planner (or a member of the Planning Department delegated by the City Planner), one shall be a City Councillor (chosen by the President of the City Council), and one shall be an officer or employee of a public utility company, which does business in New Bedford. Of the five members appointed, two shall serve for terms ending December 31, 1994; two shall serve for terms ending December 31, 1995; and one shall serve for a term ending on December 31, 1996. All appointments thereafter shall be for THREE-YEAR TERMS.

The Commission shall study and investigate alternate sources of energy that might be used in New Bedford for private or public benefit; explore possibilities of federal and state funding of alternate energy projects and coordinate its efforts with the Planning Department; explore the manner in which the City could promote the use of wind power on publicly held land and study feasibility of using city land for the generation of energy by wind power; and may undertake other programs relating to energy conservation as described in MGL, C. 40, s. 8I. Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Peter Dimond (Public Utility Rep.) December 1998
Scott Alfonse December 2009
David A. Kennedy December 2009
John Bullard December 2010
Councillor Shawn Oliver December 2024

Exhibition Hall Commission

Established by Ordinance – passed on November 9, 1982. Section 2 -171 of the City Code.

Established under Chapter 486 of the Acts and Resolves of 1980. Five members, one of whom shall be a member of the City Council, to be appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council. FIVE-YEAR TERMS; vacancies filled in like manner for the unexpired term. City Council member shall be replaced by another member of Council when he or she is no longer a Councillor for the unexpired portion of his or her term.

No compensation. Members of the Commission shall annually elect a chairman and a treasurer.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Carmen M. Quinones November 9, 1994 (resigned moved out of MA)
Gerald R. Messier November 9, 2001 (resigned)
James M. Sylvia December 2003
Armand Marchand November 9, 2010
Councillor Naomi RA Carney December 2024

Board of Health

Section 12 – 1 of the City Code.

Three persons, one of whom shall be a doctor of medicine; one member appointed annually in January by Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. THREE-YEAR TERM, next succeeding in the first Monday in February. Any member of said board may be removed by the Mayor for cause.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Alex J. Weiner February 2025
Dr. Elizabeth Blanchard April 2026
Michele S. Tsaliagos February 2027

Historical Commission

Section 2 – 150 of the City Code

Consisting of seven members to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council for THREE YEAR TERMS, including one member or representative where possible of the City Planning Department and of the National Park Service, two members from nominees submitted by the New Bedford Port Society, the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, the Waterfront Historic Area League, the New Bedford Historical Society and any other recognized local historical societies; one architect where possible from two candidates, one of whom shall be nominated from the chapter of the American Institute of Architects covering New Bedford, and one of whom shall be nominated by the society of landscape architects covering the city; one member where possible from two nominees of the Greater New Bedford Board of Realtors; and one land owner or tenant where possible in the historic districts who should have no connection with any of the above categories.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Seven alternate members appointed in like manner.

Member Term Expires
James Lopes February 2025
Diana Henry February 2026
William King February 2027
Janine DaSilva March 2027
Anna Surma June 2027
Jay Avila August 2027
Jennifer Carloni, City Planner
Alternates Term Expires
Jennifer Smith March 2027
Dawn Salerno August 2027
Daniel Turpin August 2027

Housing Authority

Chapter 13 – 1 of the City Code

Five members, of whom four shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council and the fifth member shall be appointed by the Massachusetts Department of Community Affairs. Every member, unless sooner removed, shall serve until the qualification of a successor. FIVE-YEAR TERMS.

When member qualifies notify the following divisions of the Secretary of State:

>Susan Sclafani, Secretary of the Commonwealth/Division of Public Records, Commissions Section/Room 1719, One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108

>Department of Housing & Community Development, ATTENTION: Director, 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114

Member Term Expires
Timothy P. Walsh (STATE) June 06, 2016
Pastor Leona Fisher December 2024
Bruce Oliveira December 2027
Cynthia Edwards December 2026
Stormi Monteiro December 2026

Human Rights Commission

Section 2 – 130 of the City Code; established 10/26/76

Consists of nine members, each of whom shall reside or be employed in the City of New Bedford. Commission members shall serve without compensation and shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council for THREE-YEAR TERMS.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Zoe Hansen-Dibello April 2019 (resigned 05/18/2020)
Jeff Costa December 2024
Chad Freitas April 2025
Deloris Joseph April 2025
Sidney A. Murray, II April 2025
Genesis Galan December 2025 (resigned 10/19/2023)
Martin Bentz February 2027
Michael Mello February 2027
Von Maria Moniz December 2027

Library Trustees

Section 14 – 1 of the City Code.

Mayor is ex-officio. Nine members. Three members appointed annually in April by Mayor and confirmed by City Council for THREE-YEAR TERMS.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Lee Blake April 2025
Maria Gloria De Sa April 2025
Diana Henry April 2025
Ann R. O’Leary April 2026
Rosemary Saber April 2026
Glen G. Chandler April 2026
Carl J. Cruz April 2027
Kristine Cunningham April 2027
Cara Busch April 2027

Licensing Board

Section 15 – 90 of the City Code. M.G.L. Chapter 138, Section 5 (all members shall hold office until their successors are qualified).

Three members; appointed in May; SIX-YEAR TERMS beginning the first Monday in June. One from each of the two leading political parties. The third from one of said parties. Appointees shall not be engaged, directly or indirectly, in the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages and shall have been residents of the City of New Bedford at least two years immediately preceding appointment; shall not hold any other public office. Mayor designates one member to act as Chairman, who shall act as secretary.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Marcelino “Sonny” G. Almeida June 2022 (resigned 05/28/2024)
Nicholas Nanopoulos January 12, 2025
Ricard Rezendes, June 2026

New Bedford Port Authority

Chapter 762, Acts of 1957; accepted by the City Council on September 26, 1975; organized November 21, 1975.

Mayor ex-officio – Chairman. Six members appointed by Mayor and confirmed by the City Council for THREE YEAR TERMS; no compensation; commission elects Vice-Chair, Secretary and a Treasurer. Each posts a $10,000 bond and is to hold office until a successor is qualified. The Treasurer, who need not be a member of the Commission, must post a $50,000 bond.

Member Term Expires
Davis L. Sullivan December 2019
Richard Canastra December 2020
Patricia A. Lareau December 2023
James D. Oliviera December 2024
Joseph M. Tavares December 2024
Dr. Brian Rothschild December 2025

Park Commissioners

Section 18 -1 of the City Code. M.G.L. Chapter 45, Section 2.

Five members appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council, for FIVE-YEAR TERMS commencing the first Monday in May. To serve until successor has qualified.

Member Term Expires
Peter Boswell May 2025
Brandon Fernandez (DPI Designee) City Arborist May 2025
Diane A. Berube May 2026
Lee Blake May 2026
Elaine Safioleas May 2029

Planning Board

Section 20 – 1 of the City Code and M.G.L.A. c. 41-§ 81A

The Mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the City Council, five members, one member shall be appointed for three years, two members shall be appointed for two years and two members shall be appointed for one year. Their successors shall be appointed for three-year terms. Each member of the Planning Board shall be paid at the rate of ($20.00) per meeting attended, but in no event shall any member receive in excess of ($500.00) in any fiscal year. Upon request of the Planning Board, the City Planner, Commissioner of Public Works, Building Commissioner, Director of the Health Department, Director of Recreation/Parks, Water Superintendent, Wire Inspector and School Superintendent shall provide information and recommendations to assist the Board and shall attend or be represented at Planning Board meetings, if so requested. (Ordained 6/13/02).

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

**Chapter 20, Section 1 – The Planning Board shall have one (1) Associate/Alternate Member, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council for a three (3) year term. (Ordained 04/12/2012)

Member Term Expires
Peter J. Cruz August 2025
Alexander J. Kalife October 2025
Kathryn Duff October 2026
Arthur Glassman November 2027
Kamile Khazan December 2027
Alternate Term Expires
Shayne M. Trimbell September 2024

Problem Properties Appeals Panel

Section 6-125 of the City Code

The Problem Properties Appeals Panel shall be a three-person panel consisting of one member appointed by the Mayor, one member appointed by the City Council, and one member appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The term for members for the Problem Properties Appeals Panel shall be three years. (Ordained 04/23/2015)

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Sandy Grace January 2023
Celeine Saraiva June 2024

Redevelopment Authority

Executive DirectorDetermination of Need adopted by City Council July 28, 1960.

See MGL Chapter 121B, Section 4.

Certificate of Organization received from State Secretary – October 11, 1960

Five members, one appointed by State, and four appointed by Mayor subject to confirmation by City Council, for FIVE YEAR TERMS.

When member qualifies notify the following divisions of the Secretary of State:

>Susan Sclafani, Secretary of the Commonwealth/Division of Public Records, Commissions Section/Room 1719, One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108

> Department of Housing & Community Development, ATTENTION: Director, 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114

Member Term Expires
Carol Pimentel July 2027
Peter Selley  (STATE) July 2023
Paul Chase July 2026
David Kennedy July 2026
John W. Walsh July 2027

Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District

Section 44A through 44K of Chapter 40, M.G.L. – establishing Regional Refuse District accepted by City Council June 21, 1979. Regional Agreement signed by Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven and New Bedford on December 3, 1979. Acushnet and Fairhaven later withdrew. Original agreement amended in 1984 by Town Meeting and City Council to add third Dartmouth member.

Three members each from Dartmouth and New Bedford. Members serve THREE-YEAR TERMS expiring on June 30th.

Member Term Expires
New Bedford
Caroline Conzatti June 2025
Daniel Patten June 2026
Kelley Cabral-Mosher June 2027
John Beauregard June 30, 2024
Christine LeBlanc June 30, 2026
Michael Gagne June 30, 2025

Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School District Committee

Chapter 428 of the Acts of 1971

FOUR YEAR TERMS – expire May 1st

Member Term Expires
New Bedford
Frederick J. Toomey May 2020
Rita Ribeiro May 2021
Carol Pimentel May 2026
Kimberli Bettencourt May 2027
Cynthia Marland
Michael Shea
Paul Kitchen
Wayne Oliveira

Retirement Board

M.G.L. – Chapter 32 – Section 20 4 (b) – FIVE MEMBERS AS FOLLOWS:

The City Auditor, member ex-officio;

Second Member appointed by the Mayor for a term as set by the Mayor;

Third and Fourth members elected by the members in or retired from service of such system for a term Not to exceed three years

Fifth Member – shall NOT be an employee, a retiree, or official of the governmental unit and shall be chosen by the other four members of the board for a term of three years (If Fifth Member is NOT chosen by other four members within thirty days after the expiration of the term of the fifth member, said member shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council.) NOTE: Contributory retirement system accepted November 3, 1936.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Robert Ekstrom (Ex-Officio Member)
Leonard F. Baillargeon, Chairman (2024) Elected
James Kummer Elected
Angela Natho Appointed
Christopher Saunders, Esq. Appointed 5th Member

New Bedford School Committee

Elected – four year terms

Mayor – Chairman ex-officio

Member Term Expires
Colleen Dawicki January 2026
Melissa M. Costa January 2026
Ross M. Grace, Jr. January 2026
Christopher Cotter January 2028
Joaquim “Jack” Livramento January 2028
Bruce Oliveira January 2028

School Traffic Committee

Composed of one member of the City Council, chosen annually by the President of the City Council; one member of the School Committee, chosen annually by the Vice-Chairman of the School Committee, Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee, the Mayor or the Mayor’s designee and one citizen, appointed annually by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.

Member Term Expires
Sgt. Michael Martin
Jaye M. Cioper (Citizen Member)  December 2001
Stephen L. Furtado  December 2001
Paul Barton (Mayor’s Designee) December 2009
Councillor Leo Choquette December 2024

Sign Design Review Board

A five-member board established by Section 6 – 85 of the City Code. Two members appointed by the Mayor. One must represent the Local Sign Industry. One must represent the local retail merchants’ industry. Members (except City Planner) serve THREE-YEAR TERMS. Board also includes the City Planner, a member of the Historical Commission (appointed by Commission) and a member of the City Council (appointed by the Council President).

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Councillor Naomi R.A. Carney December 2024

City Solicitor and Assistants / Corporation Counsel

City Solicitor is appointed by Mayor and needs no confirmation by City Council. Corporation Counsel and Assistant City Solicitors must be confirmed by City Council. Assistant City Solicitors are for terms of one year and expire on December 31st of year appointed (appointed at Organization Meeting). Corporation Counsel is appointed by Mayor and confirmed by City Council for a term of five years.

Member Term Expires
City Solicitor
Eric Jaikes, Esq. (until replaced)
Assistant City Solicitor
Owen Murphy, Esq December 31, 2024
Michael J. Harrington, Esq. December 31, 2024
Acting First Assistant City Solicitor
Ryan A. Pavao, Esq. (until replaced)
Counsel II & New Bedford Liaison
Associate City Solicitor (Part-Time)
Workers Comp & Contract Specialist
Neighborhood Task Force
John E. Floor Esq.

Traffic Commission

Chapter 630 of the Acts of 1958 – original

Chapter 3 of the Acts of 1976 – amendment

Consists of Commissioner of Public Works or his representative, Chief of Police or his representative, one Councillor at Large and one Ward Councillor to be designated by the President of the City Council (one year terms), Inspector of Wires or his representative, a member of the Planning Board to be designated by the Mayor, and three persons representing the public to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council for THREE YEAR TERMS and until a successor is qualified.

Scott Downing – Executive Secretary

Member Term Expires
Officer Bryan dosAnjos
Stephanie Crampton, DPI
Inspector of Wires – Michael Baker
Shayne Trimbell, Planning Board
Member of the Planning Board
Councillor Brian K. Gomes December 2024
Councillor Maria E. Giesta December 2024
Angela Johnston December 2024
Manuel H. Silva December 2024
Michael J. Paiva December 2025

Veterans Advisory Board

M.G.L. Chapter 115, Section 12

City Code – Section 25 – 10 (a)

Consists of eleven members, each of whom shall reside in the City and be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. With the exception of one (1) member selected from the Public at Large, all such members shall be United States Veterans and membership shall reflect the diversity of the City’s Veterans and shall include at least one (1) minority Veteran and one (1) female Veteran. (Ordained 10/2014.)


Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Col. (Ret.) Grace C. Regan, Vietnam Era December 2018 (Deceased)
Luiz Ferreira – Army World War II December 2019 (Deceased)
Christopher Holtkamp – Marine Iraq / Afghanistan War December 2023 (Resigned 12/2/2021)
Karen Cosme December 2023
William Andrews December 2025
Bruce Duarte – Vietnam December 2025
Daniel S. Goulart December 2025
Robert C. Bromley – Public December 2026
Paul J. Souza – Army (Operation Desert Storm) December 2026
James R. Gagnon – Air Force Vietnam December 2026
William Comeau – Army December 2026

Water Board

Section 16 – 40 of the City Code.

Mayor is ex-officio; three members appointed annually in April for THREE-YEAR TERMS by Mayor and confirmed by City Council and one member of the City Council appointed yearly by the City Council President.

Members to serve until a successor is qualified.Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Mayor, ex-officio – Chair
Normand Bergeron June 2013
Patrick E. Rogers April 2024
Marilyn Gonsalves April 2027
Daniel Higgins April 2027
Councillor Naomi R.A. Carney December 2024

Zoning Board of Appeals

Section 9 – 5210 of the City Code — Five members serving FIVE YEAR TERMS, or until a successor is qualified, to be appointed annually in January so that one member’s term expires each year.

Section 9 – 5211 of the City Code – Five associate members to be appointed in same manner.Per Ordinance of 2/14/91 – members as well as associate members shall be paid at a rate of $20 per meeting attended, but in no event shall any member receive in excess of $500 per year.

Section 2-10.1 of the City Code.

Notwithstanding any Ordinance to the contrary, any member of a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council shall not serve beyond 90 days after the expiration of the member’s term unless the member’s reappointment has been submitted by the Mayor to the City Council. If the member’s term has been expired for more than 90 days and a reappointment has not been submitted, the member’s seat shall be considered vacant.

The provisions of the Section shall not apply to any member of a Board or Commission whereby a Special or General Law or State regulation establishing said Board or Commission explicitly provides that the respective members shall serve until a replacement is duly appointed and qualified. This Ordinance shall take become effective 90 days after the date of final passage. (Ordained at the City Council Meeting of June 22, 2017.)

Member Term Expires
Laura Parrish December 2024 (resigned 10/18/24)
Celeste Paleologos December 2025
Jonathan Carvalho December 2026
James W. Clark December 2027
Guelmie Santiago December 2028
Associate (Alternate) Members
Debra Trahan December 2028
Jane Gonsalves December 2024 (resigned 05/01/22)
Ymane Galotti December 2025
Aneshia Savino December 2026 (resigned 10/10/24)