Inspectional Services

The Department of Inspectional Services enforces all provisions of M.S.B.C. Plumbing Regulations, Local Zoning and City Regulations and Ordinances, and acts on any questions, complaints, and issue Permits relative to the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, demolition, use and occupancy and maintenance of all buildings and structures. We do yearly or bi-annual inspections of places of assembly and multi-family dwellings to ensure public safety.

Airspace Reviews & Obstruction Evaluations

Department Divisions:


Building (508) 979-1540
Matthew Silva x67214
James Berube x67219
Robert Carreiro x67220
Richard Fournier x67228
Plumbing and Gas (508) 979-1518
Phillip Stanley
Weights and Measures (508) 991-6144
Joseph Barney
Annual Notice
Testing of Taxi Meter
Electrical (508) 979-1470
Michael E. Baker
Simon Roderiques
Office Hours – 8:00am – 9:00am
Administrative Staff (508) 979-1540
Robert Gomes
Erin Iacaponi
Maria Sequeira
Patricia Lanzoni
Danny Romanowicz

Topics Available:

Vacant Building Ordinance Page 3 is the ordinance
Page 4-7 Vacant Building Registration Form
How you can help: Seasonal talks about various topics such as home safety, pools, cleaning gutters, etc.
Renovation, Repair & Painting (RRP) Regulations for Massachusetts Information for Contractors
Services & Permits Information What kind of permit do I need and where do I obtain it.

Permitting Guide

Prevent Lead Poisoning Guide