Zoning Board Members
Celeste Paleologos, Vice Chair
James W. Clark
Jonathan Carvalho
Guelmie Santiago
Alternate Members
Debra Trahan
Ymane Galotti











Submission Instructions:

  1. Digital pre-submission review is recommended for all applications: Digital submissions are recommended for review prior to submitting hard copies.
  2. Email applications to: Nina.Krueger@newbedford-ma.gov
  3. Physical copies are due at NOON on the Friday deadlines in the application: Approved, complete applications must be received by the Department of City Planning (City Hall, 133 William Street, Room 303), by NOON on the Application Submittal Deadline.
  4. Cases are scheduled on first come, first serve basis: Cases are scheduled in the order they are received.
  5. Building permit rejection packet is required: Applications for the Zoning Board of Appeals will not be accepted without a denied building permit application from the Department of Inspectional Services (DIS). Contact DIS for questions regarding your rejection packet.
  6. Certified Abutters Lists are required for all applications: Abutters lists may take up two weeks to produce. Please plan accordingly and contact the Planning Department to request assistance.