Park BOard of commissioners
Peter Boswell, Chairperson
Elaine Safioleas, Vice Chairperson
Diane A. Berube
Lee Blake
Brandon Fernandez
The Park Board of Commissioners meets once a month on the 3rd Wednesday of each month or as determined on an emergency basis.
FY21 Annual Report Parks Recreation & Beaches
Land Acknowledgement
We the people of New Bedford Parks Recreation & Beaches solemnly acknowledge that the land in and around the City of New Bedford is the ancestral territory of the Indigenous Wampanoag, People of the First Light, of Southern New England.
We acknowledge their painful history of forced deportation and genocide and reaffirm our commitment to protecting Native American material culture.
The Board of Park Commissioners of the City of New Bedford, by virtue of its authority for the use and Government of the Public Parks of said city, and for the breaches of such rules to affix penalties, hereby ordain that within the Public Parks, Playgrounds, and other Park property so designated by the City, all persons are hereby forbidden:
1. Any person(s) violating the established Rules and Regulations or constituting a public nuisance may be required to leave the premises.
2. Park use is not permitted between the hours of 10pm and 6am except Tot Lots which shall be closed from sunset to 6am.
3. Climbing on any tree, statue, fence, railing or other structure in any park is strictly prohibited.
4. Vandalism is not acceptable, do not write, deface, defile or otherwise damage any building, bridge, fence, statue, fountain seat or any other structure in any park. Do not deface any notices posted by the Park Board.
5. No animals are allowed to pass or stray upon any area. This provision shall not apply to dogs when on a leash or chain not exceeding six feet in length.
a. No dogs whether leashed or unleashed shall come within 100 feet of any recreation area located in a City Park. A recreational area, for the purpose of these regulations, is defined as an athletic field to include baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, street hockey, tennis, football, sprinkler features, and play equipment units including swings, slides, etc.
b. Chapter 4, Article II, Sec. 4-29 of the code of City ordinances was amended on July 1, 1996 by the City Council Pit Bull – Notwithstanding any licensing requirement to the contrary, no person shall own, or keep or harbor, or allow to be upon any premises occupied by him or under his control any dog or dog species known as a “pit bull” without first obtaining a special permit therefore in the office of the City Clerk. An applicant of said permit shall pay a fee of $25.00 and said permit shall be valid for the life of said dog. No such dogs are allowed on any City playgrounds and within (500) feet of all playgrounds located in City Parks, whether at large or under restraint. The provisions of this permit procedure shall be enforced by the dog officer, any police officer, or parking supervisor of the city.
6. Do not cut, break, or otherwise injure and tree, shrub, or any part thereof, do not cut, pluck or otherwise remove and blossoms from any plant, flower, or tree.
7. To carry or discharge firearms, firecrackers, or fireworks; to sell or offer for sale any goods or wares; to have possession of any instrument of gambling or play any games of chance; to make any fire; to have for sale or otherwise any intoxicating liquors or beverages; to utter profane, threatening, or abusive language, or to accost, follow, or annoy any other park visitor is strictly prohibited.
8. Permit holders are only to use those fields specifically designated on the permit. There may be another group following yours, so it is essential that the field is vacated by the scheduled ending time.
9. Written permission from the Park Board is required to play any musical instrument; to solicit any money or subscription; to make any speech in any park.
10. The reservation is for field use only. Field permits are issued “AS IS”: bases, goals, balls and other equipment are not included in the permit.
11. Vehicles may not be driven in excess of 20 mph or parked on turf areas, sidewalks, service driveways, or emergency zones. ATV, motor scooters, and dirt bikes are not allowed within any park. Bicycles are allowed on regular roads and bike paths.
12. All trash must be placed in proper receptacles. Dumping of residential trash in any park trash receptacles is not allowed.
13. Do not take, disturb, or molest any bird or bird’s nest, mammal, or any animal in the park.
14. Do not feed any duck, swan, goose seagull or feathered bird at Buttonwood Park Pond or at any boat ramp under the Park Board.
15. Do not lie or stand on any park seat or bench.
16. Unless permitted by the Park Board you may not erect any booth, tent, stall or other structure for any purpose: to hawk, peddle or distribute literature of any type.
17. No food or drink on turf field facilities.
18. No striking or hitting golf balls in any park or playground.
19. The use of metal detectors is not allowed on park property.
20. There is no alcohol or tobacco consumption allowed on City owned property.
21. There is no subletting of any field or facility in the City of New Bedford.
22. Full responsibility and financial liability for any property damage will be assumed by the user group.