

Play in the Park and Summer Food Program



The Play in the Park and Summer Food Service Program promotes health, wellness, nutrition, and outdoor activity during the summer months for youth ages 0-18. At multiple outdoor sites throughout the city youth can participate in activities with Play in the Park staff and access a free lunch or dinner between the hours of 11am-2pm (Mon-Fri) or 4pm-7pm (Tue & Thu). The goal is to get youth to be active, get outside, have fun and eat healthy during the summer months!

The Play in the Park and Summer Food Program has traditionally operated in the City of New Bedford for well over 10 years and on average serves almost 90,000 meals per summer to low-income youth in the city, in parks, playgrounds and other organized arenas that provide engaging summer programming for youth. The Play in the Park and Summer Food Program is a vital piece of City youth’s summer experience and, again, for many youth, it serves as the only nutritious meal they will have all week. The City of New Bedford Parks Recreation & Beaches facilitates and operates over 65 food sites in targeted areas throughout the city. Sites are classified as either OPEN sites which youth can walk-in to everyday or indoor sites where our department partners with a local youth organization to serve food to a summer time program. These sites are strategically located in neighborhoods across the city to maximize access for youth and/or are operated in collaboration with community partners who serve youth across the city. Annual partners in the Play in the Park and Summer Food Program are the Mayor’s Office, the New Bedford Public Schools Department, the Boys and Girls Club, the YWCA, Community Boating Center, Trips for Kids, and many other community-based agencies.


**Site locations for 2024 to be announced soon!**

OPEN sites for 2023 (subject to change)

Lunch: 11:00am-2:00pm (Mon-Fri)

Brooklawn Park
Harrington Park
Hazelwood Park
Riverside Park Playground

Rec & Relaxation MOBILE Sites! (New this year!)

Pace Food Pantry (477 Park St.): Mondays, 11:00am-12:15pm

Eddie James Playground: Mondays, 12:45-2:00pm

Phillips Ave Pocket Park: Tuesdays, 11:00am-12:15pm

Gomes School Playground: Tuesdays, 12:45-2:00pm

Clasky Common Park: Wednesdays, 11:00am-12:15pm

Ruth St. Playground: Wednesdays, 12:45-2:00pm

Buttonwood Park: Thursdays, 11:00am-12:15pm

Ashley Park: Thursdays, 12:45-2:00pm

Dias Field: Fridays, 11:00am-12:15pm

Beauregard-Pina Playground: Fridays 12:45-2:00pm

Dinner: 4:00pm-7:00pm  (Tue & Thu)

Andrea McCoy Recreation Center
Montes Park

Rain Sites:

Brooklawn Park
Riverside Park
West Beach Pavillion
Andrea McCoy Recreation Center


Montes Park

Andrea McCoy Recreation Center

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